2021 Annual Meeting

Othello Station North community,

Please join us for the 2021 Annual Meeting for the Othello Station North Condominium Association!

When: April 27, 2021 at 6:00 pm Where: https://zoom.us/j/99807243416?pwd=NkZ4RkMyeW96ZUMwTm8rRHdIVk9MUT09 Meeting ID: 998 0724 3416 Passcode: 479253

Your attendance, in person or by proxy, is very important because no business can be conducted unless we have a quorum (25% of the total voting power constitutes a quorum) represented at the meeting. If we do not have sufficient attendance to achieve a quorum, our Association may be faced with the additional expense of re-scheduling the meeting or conducting a mail-in ballot. Therefore, if you are not absolutely certain you will be able to attend, please complete the enclosed proxy (yellow-colored paper) and return it per the instructions on the proxy form. If your plans change and you are ultimately able to attend, we will discard your proxy when you sign in and participate over Zoom. For you proxy to be counted, please ensure the attached form is received in our office by close of business on April 26, 2021.

One of the primary purposes of this meeting will be to elect (2) new Directors to serve on the Board. This term will begin on the first of the month following a successful election and will continue for two years. Serving on the Board can be a rewarding and educational experience as well as a wonderful way to participate in and contribute to the community. If you think you might be interested, please review the enclosed information regarding service and complete the Profile form (salmon-colored paper) so your neighbors will have some additional information about your background, special interests, and areas of expertise.

Profiles should be returned to Lori DuBois, Association Manager at Morris Management, Inc., by email (LDuBois@Morrismanagement.com) or fax (425-283-5859) or mail (325 – 118th Avenue SE, Suite 204, Bellevue, WA 98005) and must be received at Morris Management, Inc. by the close of business on April 26th, 2021 for your name to be pre-printed on the ballots. Write-in votes may also be entered during the meeting. If you are not sure about making the commitment to serve on the Board but would like to be involved in the Othello Station Condominium Association, committees are another fantastic opportunity to participate and contribute. If you are interested in serving on a committee, please complete the Profile form and return it to Morris Management, Inc. using the aforementioned contact information.

2021 will be an exciting and eventful year at Othello Station North. We are looking forward to seeing you on the April 27, 2021.

Sincerely, Board of Directors | Othello Station North Condominium Association

Meeting agenda: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15d_ZT8FlYtvmlVJf8rLwy_mqmofz1b_L/view?usp=sharing Meeting proxy: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hAV_lW2P6wSobUn6xV1OhzEiLz7W8Gae/view?usp=sharing Volunteer profile: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CXa83-S188kFnmCpPTX56JooR7yrIAWq/view?usp=sharing

Othello Station North